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Refund Policy

Goods sold are non-refundable.

If you received incorrect items, missing items or damaged/defective items during delivery, you may be eligible for an exchange or a store credit refund after 7 days of receiving your item. If 7 days have gone by since you first receive your purchase, unfortunately we cannot offer you a refund or exchange.

Defective/damaged items and incorrect items can only be exchanged with the same item or correct item (subject to stock availability) or store credit of the same amount.

To be eligible for an exchange, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you have received it. It must also be in it's original packaging. We would require visual proof (picture) of the damage/defect during your first inspection of the item along with your Returns notice. All damaged / incorrect items must be returned to Menlush HQ in order to be eligible for a Refund or Exchange.

Please email to initiate the refund with the subject as REFUND/EXCHANGE. Our customer service representative will assist you with the Refund or Exchange and guide you through the process.

We inspect all of our items carefully before shipping. However, we understand that sometimes items can be damaged during delivery and shipment. We are able to replace your damaged item within 7 days of receiving your item. Photo evidence is required for an exchange. Please email to initiate the exchange.

Store Credit 
For replacement items that are out of stock or unavailable for exchange, we will reimburse you with store credit or a gift voucher of the same amount.